Okay, this is it. We’ve made the decision. We wanted to go, talked about it, haphazardly planned for it.. But now its really here. If we are careful we now have enough money to make it happen. We are moving to Mexico.
I told myself that if we were able to put it together and go there were two things that I wanted from the five of us. One, everyone will keep a daily journal, or logbook since we will be on a sailboat; and two, we all must make a real effort to become fluent in Spanish.
The journal is hard for me. It feels like homework. Its not that I really mind it, just that I always seem to have something better to do. But if I expect it from everyone else.. Practice what I preach right. So now that this trip, or excursion, or crazy journey is this close and tangible, if I start now, write a little every day, maybe, hopefully, it will come a little easier when we are down there and it is more important.
The thing that surprises me, the wonderful thing, is how much we all want it. Susan isn’t going for me, the kids aren’t being dragged kicking and screaming. In fact it is the opposite, we are all chomping at the bit. We all want the experience.
If I am being realistic about the timeframe, which is really difficult for me, we are at least four months away from the move. I want to say three but even I know how unlikely that is. In fact this started as a to-do/spend list but that felt even more like homework than this. The sheer volume of things we must complete over the next few months is daunting to me. We have lived in this house for over six years. Six years of a family of six accumulating tons and tons of toys, knick knacks, furniture and treasures. And they are treasures, I am not being facetious, this is our history. Then there is our U.S. immigration, preparing for home school, my online college classes, the animals. The list goes on. It seems huge to me but Susan takes it in stride, at least the house stuff, which is the one that gives me the most grief. Just sitting here I look around and think “ there is a hell of a lot of stuff here”. but it will all come together. We are dedicated, and I really believe we can pull it off.
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